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    How it works ?


    a) Share MEGATRON on your Youtube channel and Earn cryptocurrencies

    Creating creative videos (Instructions) MEGATRON



    b) We can also send our videos and tutorials to be posted on your YouTube channel and Earn cryptocurrencies for every 1,000 views



    1 Video - minimum duration (60 seconds) on Youtube:


    Price: based on average views of your last 5 videos):

    1k views = $1 USDT

    2k views = $2 USDT

    3k views = $3 USDT

    4k views = $4 USDT

    5k views = $5 USDT

    Payment Date: every 10th of each month, if you reach the goal, you must send a screenshot of the views goal reached


    Payment Method: (USDT, BITCOIN, PAYPAL)


    If you are interested, please click the subscribe button below and fill out the form.